the madness of king george
king george left for one day. everything seems better when he's away. it's peaceful, i don't feel any tension, i'm more relaxed. heck, even the dog is relaxed.
we haven't had a day off for a long time, so i was happy we finally had the chance to spend some time together. i thought about showing m. one of my favorite and most important movies.

just when we were about to start, i had a moment of panick. got afraid of how she would react. some things are pretty new for her. but during the film i saw m. was touched [it always moves me to tears, 8943672938465029386019836713986713 billion times and my eyes still become watery]. she admitted that she felt a bit disconcerted, but she found the film to be very beautiful.
of course, i wouldn't be myself if we haven't baked brownies.
we didn't talk after seeing it. i guess we both felt the need to remain silent, we didn't want to spoil the melancholic atmosphere [the ringing phone did it].
i'm one of those shallow people who, when a bit blue, try to make themselves feel better by buying clothes. i got a new, navy schoolboy vest, and a nice horizontally striped polo.
still, people at my french class asked me if i was alright.
[95 days to become better]
come to warsaw already, i desperately need to watch you-know-what with you. and bake something. there's a problem with my oven though, it generally sucks. but that won't stop us, no way :)
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