beating of the season.

i was really happy about this summer job.
i even woke up too early on that day.
beating of the season.
laughter at the hall.
everyone looked like they were undressed and not clean.
and rather fucktarded.
i mean , i'm asking.
gosh , is it something eXtremely difficult ? being nice to others ?
does it hurt ? is it too eXpensive ?
but no.
and i'm totally so not assertive.
so i allowed to be abused.
and it was a really fucking difficult job , very tiring.
and everybody was like imposing on me their responsibilities.
and those fat , ugly looking hags , obviously with many issues , putting their frustrations on others. thinking they're more important than the rest, treating people like dirt.
like they were some friggin' celebrities . talking strangely.
give me a break , had to run away really far from them during the pause.
and there was this terrible security lady , like from a very bad fairytale.
being obnoxious , rude and yelling at everybody without a reason.
finally , i couldn't bear it. i shouted back . which was a mistake . started a short , but frustrating discussion [ yeah , like she had any arguments ] .
common , what's this all about ? behaving like this in 2006 ? hallo ?
like i said , beating of the season.
left that place as soon as i could [ frustrationfactory ].
told them to get lost [ actually to fuck off].
of course not directly , everybody knows i don't know how to be assertive.
so , no way i'm going back there.
[and no way i'm ever going to shop there ]
wonder if they expect me to show up.
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