we are the homeless. and so are you.

confessions of a dinner whore

Sunday, October 29, 2006


previously , on 'everybody loves dvd' :

greetings! it's a travel with mr fuzzy eyebrows , cat power & manic street preachers , it's a travel , it's a train , it's an adventure !
the city listens to 'chicago (acoustic version)' in the morning , when it's still dark , little boys accompany with watery eyes , a man who is said to have an anchor in his head says harbour boys love listening to Illinois .
it's september and i'm on my way to visit me sis' , hot ovomaltine welcomes .

i wait , tremble & revel in porn luxury the internet is serving me , me sister's shocked bunny closes eyes and hides his head . scandalizing uncle dvd - the depravator of nephews.

a walk & a discussion with dizz about my previous dates & shortterm relationships brings us to a conclusion. i'm a dinner whore , dating only famous or rich people.

so i'm a whore x2 , i've tracked 2 new O. pictures , found plenty of spicy bear photos , it's porn september . i sigh , resolve that i need to be like them , to look like them [instinct thing] , but then i gorge myself with chocolate .

together with me sis' we served some hot porn mess/photos in krk . gay drinks , shopping , cooking , cosmetics , foreign kitkats from a magical shop , Lost reruns , exotic dishes , id magazine , pop magazine [we recommend] , we worshipped orgnl vogue , kate moss everywhere , love .

tim from houston wrote i'm honest , open and genuine , princess a. called me a bigmusclebear and porsche said i'm a xxxbear . where does all this kindliness come from and won't it leave ?
i've saved those messages , just in case .

about 400 emails came , all with threats of stimulating me anally with a screwdriver.
uhm , is it a proposition ? common , haven't they already done that in porn? [not to me of course , at least not yet]
feanu said i should reply that i'm touched and in love with it , and that in fact it was NICE .

O.'s site is now blocked , you need a password . O' must think i'm some crazy stalker. sad . this really strikes me , as everything concerning O. does.

good & caring uncle tim says i deserve better than a person ignoring me , that i thrive on unhapiness somehow , etc. some harsh but true words , me sis' and feanu agree . i guess i'm a cheap romantic character , i can't get O. out of my head .

all those crazy hi-fi&glitz adventures ended , and than came tons of paper work , indexes , certificates .
and doctors , lots of them . i'm of no good health , right ? i have a broken heart , mind you .

Sunday, October 22, 2006

it can't get any better than this!

not only it takes place in ny, but it's also about people with superpowers !

[thank you NBC , and thank you Corey]

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Elliott Smith (August 6, 1969 – October 21, 2003)

it's 3 years now

Monday, October 16, 2006

finally , on dvd

it probably sounds pathetic , but hell i care , and yesterday i've finally got 'brokeback mountain' on dvd , of course seen it , and now i can't stop crying . crying since i woke up today , all day yesterday .
i guess i'm too sensitive and cry easily . i just can't stop thinking about it . and really don't want to .

Friday, October 13, 2006

little sister

launch a lot , we lately promote ourselves with micahood at elektro club , you understand , all eyes on us , the best place in front of the scene , vip table , djs wink their artistic eyes , star of the evening bows towards us , crowds have to stand behind our backs , it's like 90210 and kitkat , simply fab , sufjan stevens rules the world , pay respect , and when djdvd is eating spinach he has to do it in camera light , vip tv coverage , glitz. was it for better digestion ?

it's finally autumn , it's october , it's cool and scarfs come out of closets , but why is it so bloody cold inside ? government trying to chill down a bit public life by freezing us , the citizens ? fuckfuckfuck , why do they always start to heat so late ?

dreams and dreams about pancakes with maple syrup , and we eat a spinach and ricotta lasagne with mica , but now dvd is on a green olives diet , you know , green olives , now it's the only thing that counts , green olives nonstop , 24h green olives people , nothing more . the times of pineapple jelly are over.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

believe in joy

chinese dumplings , prawn crisps , thai spicy shrimp soup , curry vegetables with soya noodles , soya sprouts salad , coconut drink & a banana fried in coconut dough.
anyway , ALL HAIL KITKAT !

[ what should one do if he was hitting on someone who arleady had a partner ? ]