we are the homeless. and so are you.
confessions of a dinner whore
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
a bit of you
you know, i've been wondering.
i need a hag.
i mean, i've got hags, btw - love ya' all !
there are 3 in the south, i think one of them is in italy right now.
there's one in the north.
and at least 5 in the capital.
[and i love you all!]
b u t
i need to have a hag here, my personal hag where i live.
i mean, i'm always surrounded by gahls, but that's not it.
there's ******, and she may be the closest thing to a hag,
but she's a tough one [ tho' we do shop together ].
and she doesn't buy me presents, she doesn't buy me anything, no-no.
i think i'll run an auditon.
[87 days]
Monday, March 26, 2007
living in a magazine
i recently saw next episode of 6th series of a certain tv show i fancy in which two characters couldn't get over their favorite shows going off air. next thing i did, i saw the last episode of the last series of another tv show.
later that evening i saw the premiere episode of the first series of a new tv show. then, late at night, another last episode of a different one, and then a brand new episode of a brand new tv show.
life can be so fascinating.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
the madness of king george
king george left for one day. everything seems better when he's away. it's peaceful, i don't feel any tension, i'm more relaxed. heck, even the dog is relaxed.
we haven't had a day off for a long time, so i was happy we finally had the chance to spend some time together. i thought about showing m. one of my favorite and most important movies.

just when we were about to start, i had a moment of panick. got afraid of how she would react. some things are pretty new for her. but during the film i saw m. was touched [it always moves me to tears, 8943672938465029386019836713986713 billion times and my eyes still become watery]. she admitted that she felt a bit disconcerted, but she found the film to be very beautiful.
of course, i wouldn't be myself if we haven't baked brownies.
we didn't talk after seeing it. i guess we both felt the need to remain silent, we didn't want to spoil the melancholic atmosphere [the ringing phone did it].
i'm one of those shallow people who, when a bit blue, try to make themselves feel better by buying clothes. i got a new, navy schoolboy vest, and a nice horizontally striped polo.
still, people at my french class asked me if i was alright.
[95 days to become better]
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
mc patrishia hits the town
chinese food, pesto, good coffe, spicy crisps, french buns, fancy cheese, jellies, salmon, whipped cream, rose wine, toffe, chocolate, pizza, ice cream, cocoa.
we ate a lot, we talked a lot, we didn't sleep at all, we ate a lot, we saw a lot of films and listened to a lot of music, we drove in her new car a lot, we ate a lot, then we ate a lot, we had a lot of fun. fun fun fun.
shame we didn't have time to bake brownies.
mc patrishia, thanks(a lot) for cheering me up, it was so spontaneous - just like the old times, and for helping me waste all the effects of my strict diet [ 5 weeks of cereal, joghurts, vegetables and joghurts. and exercise ].
and porce - yes, that means i broke all the rules of "shake it like j.lo world fitness tour '07"
[ i promise i'll try to have something interesting to say. someday. ]
Thursday, March 15, 2007
from my correspondence (hope you don't mind)
'I think that your affection for the United States is terrific David. That's very nice.'
Timmy, 2007-03-13
'Oh wow! David. You really are in love with the United States of America aren't you? I sure do hope that some day you will be able to live here as you would like. You have my full support in that ... always.'
Timmy, 2007-03-14
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
in the sumer camp
i have a signed contract, i have all papers filled, i have a plane ticket, i have a dream to come true
[ how long will it take? ]
[103 days to become better]
Saturday, March 10, 2007
fallen son

"Captain America will continue to be published despite the very real death of Steve Rogers.Also in May, Captain America #26 is where the aftermath of his death must be faced, beginning with the autopsy of his body.
Next week, Civil War: The Confession features the final moments of his life.
In April & May, Fallen Son: Death of Captain America will follow the Marvel Universe’s reaction to this tragedy.
Comments from Ms. Marvel in this week’s Civil War: The Initiative, which seemed to indicate that Captain America is still alive, and being held prisoner by the Pro-Registration forces may not have been exactly what they seemed on the surface, and events related to those comments will play out in upcoming issues of New Avengers.
So, yes, Captain America, Steve Rogers, is dead."
Thursday, March 08, 2007
gay marriage is just like yours. only gayer.
i have a new haircut, one that is supposed to make me optically a bit thinner, but i doubt that ever works [see how desperate i am], and i guess no one will notice.
sitting in front of a huge mirror was very motivating. it was me & me, just the two of us, just the two of me, no escape. i couldn't help but think : 'wow, you've got a long way to go. a LOT to change.'
songs i had to listen to while on barber's chair, songs i normally would never listen to, took me somewhere else. the genres, the artists weren't important. i was dancing, we were dancing; they brought us together, that was their only purpose. it was summer, it was sea, a nearby town. calm breeze, sound of waves gently stroking the beaches, warm evening. inner feeling of belonging. shameless smiles, closeness, furtive glances, no need for words. something ending ? you enjoy something so much you desperately don't want it to end, you savour, you try to steal as much of it as possible, stick into pockets, stick into heart . to be as close as possible.
[if it only was something more than few minutes at the barber's]
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
dollars and cents

my paternal grandmother entered silently my room.
i stood up.
she took out some money out of her small purse.
she reached them out in my dirtection.
when i tried to protest she wedged them under my t-shirt.
i stood amazed.
and that was all i was able to do (she seemed so adamant).
[ i'm neither as lean nor as attractive as the stripper in the picture]

interpol, björk, sonic youth, arctic monkeys, dj shadow, faithless, peaches, felix da housecat, rufus wainwright, we are scientists, tokyo police club, the decemberists, the arcade fire, regina spektor, blonde redhead, peter bjorn and john, hot chip, cocorosie, sparklehorse, happy mondays, air, damien rice, kaiser chiefs, j.gonzález, lily allen, klaxons, css, junior boys, mika, lupe fiasco, grizzly bear
and i'll be stuck in plattekill [ would you like to supersize your order, sir ? ]